Today, a little something different.
When I began running in earnest in 1987, I had no idea what I was doing. Then, a few years later, I received a gift: the first edition of "Galloway's Book on Running."
And I'm still running. On the way, I've bought Jeff Galloway's second edition book, another one of his book titled "Running Until You're 100," a run/walk/run timer from his website and actually met Jeff in 2012. (Thus this photo; he's the one on the right.)
I give him a lot of the credit that, despite a
stroke, back problems and a
knee injury, I ran today.
So I'm pleased to announce a new self-created widget for this blog - a series of training and motivation tips from Olympian Jeff. You can find it along the right side of this page. Every time the page loads, the widget generates a random tip from Jeff's list.
He's coached over a million runners - slow, fast and in between - to their goals through clinics, retreats, training programs, books and e-coaching. You can sign up for his free newsletter at
Now, what if you're not a runner? And I realize most people aren't. You can still benefit. Even if you walk - even slowly - you can use many of Jeff's tips from the new widget and from his books or website. I hope the new feature is helpful - as helpful I have always found his solid advice to be.