Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

'Testing of your faith develops perseverance'

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

"Faith." "Perseverance." "Joy."

Often, those are not words that are easy for those recovering from a stroke or those witnessing a loved one struggling. Such trials can indeed cause suffering and cannot be made light of. Of those without faith, words like "joy" are often taken lightly, but in the context of James, "joy" isn't used flippantly. Not transient, fleeting, human-generated joy - but joy that surpasses every pleasure in this life.

Keep your fellow stroke survivors or loved ones in your prayers - for faith leading to perseverance leading to joy.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Be joyful always

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Be joyful always - a good sentiment for the Advent season that is upon us.

But how can this be? Nonbelievers scoff at the idea of being "joyful always." It's not easy, as we all know. But a worthy goal nonetheless.

So remember that phrase - "be joyful always" - as a reminder that in this season, the gift that allows us to conquer all gives us, at the end of it all, joy for the taking.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Survivor brings joy to stroke victims

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit New Zealand. The visit was too short, with beautiful countryside and friendly people.

Here's some recent news from New Zealand about a stroke survivor who now heads a club that provides a support system for other survivors.

Survivors often get encouragement from other survivors, and this is one of the purposes of this blog. From The New Zealand Herald:

Barbara Mexted of Whakatane was visiting England with her husband Harold when he had a stroke in 1992.

Once home, they were invited to join the Whakatane Stroke Club. Mrs Mexted's answer was no. But two years later she was not only a member, but also the president.

Every month, Mrs Mexted greets 30 to 40 members at the Whakatane Disability Resource Centre before helping to push wheelchairs and show people to their seats.

"Someone had to take over when the old president left," she said. "I just feel that when you have a stroke you're often left feeling deserted. I do it because I enjoy seeing people enjoying themselves. We share a lot of laughs."

That's a lesson many of us can learn from.