For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility ... .I had an enjoyable time last week destroying something.
But last week, we bought a utility shelf unit to replace the wardrobe. A pry bar took care of dismantling it quite easily, and I was able to retain pieces I plan to use for future projects.
What was junk, an obstacle, is gone.
Paul wrote about destroying something too - something in the way. He wrote about Christ destroying the barrier that kept people apart. Read the entire verses in Ephesians 2:11-22.
Are barriers still out there? Sadly, yes. Human-generated barriers are all over this world. Call them hatred, hostility, prejudice. Let's destroy them. Good news: No physical exertion required. Let's get the junk, the obstacles, out of the way.
(Photo from
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