Thursday, January 10, 2013

'He will make your paths straight'

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
If you've read this blog before, you know I'm a runner. These days - early January - it's dark most of the time I run during weekdays. I wear a headlamp to light the trail I use, but it's still dark and hard to see. And I can't see at all in a distance or to the side of my path.

So I can definitely appreciate a straight (and smooth) path.

And it's true in life in general. Often, even if things seem a bit dim to this human mind, if I keep following him, the path is indeed straight.

(Photo from the city of Columbia, Mo.; text added by author)

3 comments: said...

I would love to link to this from Pintrest, but there is no picture to link. If you could please include pictures as often as possible, I would be thrilled to share more. :) said...

It doesn't have to be an photo, any image will do (or add some sort of logo to your header). ;)

Jeff Porter said...

Hi, Jennifer - you're right; it needs an image. So I created one for it last evening!